Mega Code Archive

1) Android
2) ASP.Net
3) ASP.Net Tutorial
4) C
5) C Tutorial
6) C#
7) C# Book
8) C# by API
9) C# Tutorial
10) C++
11) C++ Tutorial
12) Delphi
13) Flash ActionScript
14) Flex
15) Java
16) Java Book
17) Java by API
18) Java Tutorial
19) JavaScript DHTML
20) JavaScript Reference
21) JavaScript Tutorial
22) MSOfficeExcel 2007 Tutorial
23) MSOfficePowerPoint 2007 Tutorial
24) MSOfficeWord 2007 Tutorial
26) MSSQL Tutorial
27) MySQL
28) MySQL Tutorial
29) Oracle PLSQL
30) Oracle PLSQL Tutorial
31) Perl
32) Php
33) PostgreSQL
34) Python
35) Python Tutorial
36) Ruby
37) Silverlight
38) VB.Net
39) VB.Net by API
40) VB.Net Tutorial
41) Visual C++ .NET
42) VisualBasic Script
43) XML
44) XML Tutorial
1) Active Record
2) Array
3) CGI
4) Class
5) Collections
6) Database
7) Date
8) Design Patterns
9) Development
10) File Directory
11) GUI
12) Hash
13) Language Basics
14) Method
15) Network
16) Number
17) Rails
18) Range
19) Reflection
20) Statement
21) String
22) Threads
23) Time
24) Tk
25) Unit Test
26) Windows Platform
27) XML
1) A for loop and an inclusive string range
2) A sub range
3) Add method to Range
4) An example of a for loop that prints out a times table (from 1 to 12) for the number 2
5) Being a lowercase letter
6) Check the range belongings
7) Convert range to array
8) Convert range to array or entries
9) Convert range to set
10) Create a multi-letter based range
11) DateTime Range
12) Drop the do It isnt required, but you have to keep end
13) Drop three elements in a range
14) Each and each_with_index loop with range
15) Each_cons loop with range
16) Each_slice loop with range
17) Extend Range to add new method
18) Find all odd elements
19) Get first two from a range
20) Get the max element in a range
21) Get the min and max with minmax
22) Get the min element in a range
23) Get three out of five
24) How many negative numbers
25) If you want to do the for loop on one line, you have to throw in the do
26) Inject a range
27) Is an integer in a range
28) Is an integer in an exclusive range
29) Iterating Over Dates
30) Minmax_by with block
31) Partition range
32) Prints 3 Flips and flops back when x==3
33) Prints 34 Flips when x == 3 and flops when x==4
34) Range based on DateTime
35) Range based on Time
36) Range calculation with Math log
37) Range class offers a simple way to convert a range into an array with to_a
38) Range containability check
39) Range pattern match
40) Reduce with operator
41) Reference to_a from a letter-based range
42) Reference to_a from a range
43) Reference to_a from a range in an excluded range
44) Reverse_each method from string
45) Select even elements
46) Test if something is included in the set of objects specified by the range
47) The for loop
48) The include Function can be used to check whether a particular number is within a range or not
49) The max Function gives the highest number in the range
50) The min Function gives the lowest number in the range
51) The range min and max methods return the first and last elements in an array
52) To create a range, use the operator For example, heres how you might create the range 1 to 4
53) Use Range new to create a range
54) Use the operator, which is the same thing except that the final item in the range is omitted
55) Uses several ranges to test values A range is a range of numbers
56) Variable based range
57) What are Ranges
58) When a range is used as an iterator, each value in the sequence is returned
59) With nested for loops, you can easily print out times tables from 1 to 12
60) With the Range class, you can also create a range
61) You have to create ranges in ascending sequence